Monday, April 4, 2011

Zooey & Winnie

*I'm aware this has nothing to do with fashion/style but it's too cute not to share*

I'm a total big corny, moldy cheeseball right now with this video. I've played it more times than I can count and it brings a huge goofy smile to my face each time.

There will be a new Winnie the Pooh film out shortly this year and Zooey Deschanel will be penning at least 3 tracks for the film including the snippet you see below (She & Him will be together to perform the original end credit song "So Long").

I have to admit, I'm kinda excited for this...(yes, i'll let myself out the door now)

Source for the video



  1. Okay, well, now I'm excited for this. I'll have to start preparing myself for adorable overload :)

  2. Yeah, I'm totally geeking out over this...that may or may not be a little sad.
