Wednesday, May 11, 2011

If I Only Knew...

... How self conscious I would be in this dress (yeah, yeah - boo 'freakin' hoo).

I love the blue mountains dress (a lovely gift from someone special) and any dress with pleats will my make my day, but length is not for me without tights. I'm happy that the weather shift has been steadily Spring appropriate but that unfortunately means that the tights have to go back in deep into the closet (unless they're super light). I know, suck it up and deal, but I love my tights collection.

Couple my discomfort of the dress length with some creeper that was randomly lurking about and staring during this session (my backyard doesn't have a fence, so it's a free for all), I didn't get that many shots in.

I'm thinking it's time to start scouting out other areas to take pictures. I'll make it my aim to go into a lovely park or some sort very soon...

Cardi: Gift

Headband & Boots: ModCloth

Necklace: Le Chateau

Bag: H&M



  1. The dress is just lovely! x

  2. Firstly, the dress IS absolutely gorgeous. I adore the silhouette and pattern, just stunning! And I also feel your pain. I too get a little self-conscious wearing my shorter dresses without tights. But I'm going to attempt (fingers crossed) to be brave this spring/summer. Let's see how I do! ;-) Hope you're having a fabulous week so far. xx veronika

  3. You look incredible! The cropped cardigan looks perfect with the dress. Gorgeous.

    Eeee, okay, that's pretty creepy. I'd say definitely check out a park!

  4. you are absolutely gorgeous! seriously, my goodness. and i love this outfit!

  5. Aww, thank you guys!

    Jenny - It was soooo creepy..I can't even...

    Veronika, truly thank you. You're quite the beautiful woman, that means a lot!

  6. Thank you Tess!
    Veronika ... Letting go of those tights are SO hard. I'm sure you'll look great without them (you look great in everything...such a stylish lady!)

  7. it looks so stunning on you! maybe you could wear it with leggings in the it's more like a tunic that a dress? you definitely need to keep it out cause it looks so good on you!
