Thankfully today is Family Day for us Canuck's (and President's Day for American's). My big plans for the day before heading back to work is to simply watch It's Complicated with Meryl Streep (I've watched it 100 times already and it doesn't even matter - Meryl is incredible and could play Batman and still be the right choice) and to finally start reading I Am Number Four. One of my big guilty pleasures in life is to read as many YA fictional novels as possible. YA can have a few surprise gems out there yet a lot of people won't give them a second glance simply because it's YA. I say if the subject matter is interesting...why not? The movie is out as well this weekend and I swear the trailers remind me so much of Roswell (Fantastic young adult tv series in the late 90's) that I can't help but give this book a chance.
As for the outfits for this post, I decided to try indoor shots this time around.If I'm being completely honest, I'm not a fan of indoor shots unless the interior is full of life. As much as I've complained about the weather already, I prefer running around outside with the wind backhanding my face with the natural light streaming all around vs. being trapped indoors with very tiny cluttered spaces to work with. Ya know, learning curve and all that. But it snowed again and we'll have to shovel once again, so I got these few shots in as quickly as I could.Oh well.
Take care,
Cardigan: Costa Blanca
Dress, Necklace & Belt: ModCloth
Tights: AA
I need yellow tights in my life!!
Hee...ya do!!