Wednesday, February 23, 2011


One of the main reasons I started this style blog, other than wanting to have a little fun with my clothes and to be a tiny bit more daring in my choices (yeah, I know...stop laughing imaginary people), was to truly dig into my closet and revisit some of the articles of clothing that I've neglected over time.

One of the treasures I recently discovered again that was deep (I'm talking deep ya'll) within was this sweater from H&M a couple/few years back. To you, it might not be much of anything. You know, it's your typical preppy stripped sweater. To me, I still remember the vibrant splash of colours immediately jumping out in the store's display case and that I had to get it that. very. second. Of course, I put it down after a bit and haven't really worn it until,

One of my style goals this year is for sure to inject as many bright shades in as I can, whether it be clothes, accessories or shoes. It just does something for you mood...puts a little ta, ta, ta in your step, a little energy in your system. Makes you feel a little more confident. I know that may sound a little silly (or a lot silly), but any little thing you can do to make your day a little happier...

Headband: ModCloth

Belt: Le Chateau

Skirt: ModCloth

Tights: AA



  1. Very pretty pictures! And I really like that sweater. It really does brighten up the outfit!

    I think that's the nice thing about pulling items out from deep within your closet that you never wear and giving them one more chance. You could either discover a piece that you fall in love with again, or you've given a last chance to a piece you're ready to give away. I'd say you keep this one!


  2. Aww..thank you!

    I totally agree with you! I could actually stand to get rid of a ton of stuff from my closet, but I'm such a pack rat at heart. *Shrugs*
    I happy to have found this sweater though!
